A small list of hot key combos..
Work under the console(!xterm)
- shift-scrolllock
- memory information
- ctrl-scrolllock
- process listing
- shift-pageup/shift-pagedown
- scroll through the terminal history
- alt-(f1-f12)
- switch consoles, note that the left alt is for tty1 through tty12 and the right is for tty13
through tty24
- alt-(left|right)
- switch between the previous and next terminals
- alt-up
- keyboard request, see inittab manpage
- sysrq-(0-9)
- set console log level
- sysrq-b
- emergency reboot
- sysrq-e
- kill all except init (SIGTERM)
- sysrq-i
- kill all except init (SIGKILL)
- sysrq-k
- kill all programs on current console
- sysrq-l
- kill all including init (lock the system)
- sysrq-m
- same as shift-scroll lock (memory info)
- sysrq-o
- apm poweroff
- sysrq-p
- show registers
- sysrq-r
- set keyboard to XLATE
- sysrq-s
- sync disks
- sysrq-t
- same as ctrl-scroll lock (process list)
- sysrq-u
- unmount all filesystems and change to readonly
- attempt to complete filename or variable name
- alt-@
- attept to complete hostname, inorder for this to work the hostname must be listed in
- ctrl-d
- logout, must be entered on a blank line.
- ctrl-l
- clear the screen
- ctrl-r
- search history, can be used repeatedy to find previous
- ctrl-t
- transpose characters
- alt-t
- transpose words
- shift-insert
- paste contents of copy buffer
- ctrl-a
- move to the beginning of a line
- ctrl-e
- move to the end of a line
- ctrl-u
- delete from start of the line to the cursor
- ctrl-l
- delete from cursor to the end of the line
- ctrl-c
- delete word
- ctrl-c
- kill the currently running program
- ctrl-z
- suspend the current program, entering % in the shell ususally
resumes this program